i feel like staying up and writing, making this a philosophical night where i just rant or write on and on about nothing in particular per say. Just writing imagining myself as a poet or maybe even a prophet. After the showing of Lost in Translation I took my rider over to Pizza my heart. Something inside me just craved pizza, so as i left camera one i decided to indulge my craving hoping they were open - and to my taste buds delight they in fact where open. You know it's funny I'm writing this and thinking that unless people read the archives of this sight they have such a limited experience of my writing and my various writing styles. I often go back and read stuff I've written and am amazed at some of things that come out of mind. Some eloquent and insightful others just plain stupid. I want to stay up tonight - to reach into the depths of myself, the depths of my thoughts and expound about and through things that I think and feel, yet the thought of the early morning looms overhead and I yearn for my pillow. A place where my consciousness moves from dimension or reality to another. Of late I've had some weird and interesting dreams, dreams that for the time being I want to keep locked in my mind. I want to stay up tonight - to be at a coffee shop sipping hot tea thinking, observing. Carrying a conversation with someone about nothing in particular really, just a good conversation full of comfortable silences. The later half of today has been quiet for me - enjoyable to be alone resting the mind the sould just being in existence. I took today off from training - a welcomed break back at again tomorrow. Images in my mind play about life, about things I desire and long for. A companion to share moments with, dreams with, sharing laughs and tears, silence and choas. The smiles of young ones. Soon I hope - something to be in my future. In the moment though i must admit to quote Ben Harper - "I am blessed, I am blessed, I am blessed to be a witness" My brokenness mended, opportunities abounding, daily provided for - truly I am blessed. I think that's fitting end to this verbal vomit - I am blessed, I am blessed, I am blessed.
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