sleepless #1212

from one to the next my mind makes it way through the web of thoughts spun in my brain and here i sit. here i sit at this computer kept from the place of never never land where i should be playing games with peter and the lost boys. questioning the relevancy of blog posts and the meaningfulness that a reader might gather from the randomness placed into digital space. will i ever write a book if i'm able to blog and if people are able to read it in snipits....why would they ever buy an authored book by yours truly. the sound of LCD soundsystem spills over into my ears - i'm wrapped in thought and feel as though i could spend two or three days straight playing things through my mind. the partial reality of it all is that some action does need to occur, some check marks on the "to do" list. self examination of where i'm at.... sometimes life to the full overtakes your soul and creates a desire to continously act and interact to forgo the sleep at night and to take the thoughts as they occur and act on them so as to put them to rest. what would it be like to think a thought once? i'm going to turn to pen and paper and privacy........ttfn.

02 June 2005

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