sunday am

i might have mentioned this before - but i still can't believe i#m in sri lanka. being at our camp you can forget that they are a multiple tensions within the country. LTT and the government, within the Tamal people, within the muslim people, between the Tamals and Singelese. Just the other day three muslims were beheaded by other muslims right in the middle of town. Officials assisinated. We weren't sure if were going to be able to come to arugambay b/c the LTT had given the government 14 days to reach an agreement and that ended midnight friday night so a possibility of war did exist.

The benefit we have is we are westerners, on nobodies side, so going through an STF road block, we're their friends, or through the LTT road block again we're their friends. Certain people groups can't travel on certain roads for that very reason, but for us its no problem.

I met the commander of the STF for this entire region the other day - a very smart, respectable man with a gentle heart and great vision for what needs to occur within Sri Lanka.

Driving through towns you can get a feeling of darkness existing, it weighs on you, the presence of evil is very evident here and you can see it on the faces of the people as you pass them by. then you'll enter another town where the people are smiling and darkness fades. a crazy beautiful place.

16 July 2005

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