on with it

Visiting Sri Lanka has fanned my flame for travel and global exploration. I've always loved traveling and exploring new places and coming back from Sri Lanka i thought wouldn't it be fun, interesting, challenging, and life changing to travel the globe for 6 months to a year but not merely for traveling sake but to do it with a purpose. Finding places around the world to stop and serve for a few weeks, hopefully back in Sri Lanka, perhaps at an orphanage in South Africa and a few other places yet to be planned. All with the hopes of establishing somewhat personal relationships around the world, to offer encouragement and support for those abroad. To take those connections back to the "monastery" that i'd love to start and use it as a base for spreading the word about what's taking place around the world, to send support, to send staff for pilgrimages, etc.

It's an interesting thought, to me at least, and one that excites me on the one hand and on the other pushes the starting of the lounge/monastery a little further away. makes me a little nervous to be honest, but timing is important so i will put my ear to the ground and see what signals i get.

10 August 2005

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