2 years

5 years ago the ground was broken - these pictures from 2 years ago came into view the other day. it's bizzare to think that it's been that long - the perservance we're being taught is unmeasurable as this project continues to grind on.

it was two years ago that aaron and i drove up here in our old full size van that had no heater, no stereo, but comfortable seats. the snow trickling into the house - we've got to shovel it out of here. it was at the end of that time that i drove that same van down the wet frozen roads with a 30 foot trailer in tow down the windy mountain road. no heat to keep my hands warm, unable to feel the turning steering wheel.

2 years later and we're still at it, some days hope glimmers, some days frustration rages as we think of the things we are missing being here. the transformation that is happening even as its built, imagining the transformation that will occur once it's finished and others can enjoy.

29 October 2005

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