something or other

the cool breeze slid across my face as i peddled my jalopy bicylce down the abandon midnight streets. there are those days during a fast when the pain surges reminding you of what you have put down - that was today. rolling down the street illuminated by street lights i heard the leaves rustle across the asphalt as the wind blew and i couldn't help but contemplate today. Contemplating letting my dreams die, letting go of my idealism, burying that portion of myself, relinquishing. Over three hours of waiting and sitting on public transit, on the way home on the 180 i overheard a guy telling a youngster about college - "if all you do is go to class - you've missed it - you've got to network, create connections." At times when i look back i often wonder if i've regressed..........t.b.c.

25 October 2005

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