
today is the one month mark without a car - as aspected it forced me to walk into new adventures. Cycling to work each day, reaching out to ride share, hours on the bus, rides on bart, racing the light rail on my bike, and asking to borrow vehicles. The most difficult is asking for rides that take people out of their way or asking to borrow a vehicle. While I'm not in a car, the other avenues still allow for autonomy, individuality. Asking for rides or to borrow a vehicle requires (for me at least) a bit of humility, I hate to put people out and hence the hesitation to ask. It's interdepence on people, which I'm fairly sure only troubles me as the aker, the askee is most likely enjoys being of service. I would be more than happy to lend out my car (if i had one) but for some reason I project feelings onto others. It's been a great fast thus far but I am looking for a car but I'm sure much of my cycling habits will remain.

(BTW around SJ i can beat the light rail, its once it gets into the very north end of SJ that I begin to loose)

09 November 2005

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