
insignificance - that's the word that came to yesterday. it sums up what i've been struggling with lately and what has been keeping me up at night, etc. It's easy to loose sight of your gifts, talents, etc especially when they are not one of the ones the world hyper-focuses on (music, acting, etc).

Tonight as I drove through the fog to skyline bvld the wind howled. My parked car swayed back and forth in the large turnout as it gusted by. I sat in stillness hoping once again to hear, to be inspired. After a while something popped into my head, i flushed the idea out a little, turned to an older journal and found a similar idea from a year ago. Perhaps the time is right this time and i'll make it happen.

wouldn't it be neat to be swept away by the chariots of fire.

28 November 2005

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