
aware of this presence next to me
her eyes burned a whole into my soul
her melodic voice awakened me from the depths
her wide eyed open heart has taught me about tenderness
about compassion

I want to give her my looking glass on this whimsical world
allow her to see Jesus through my eyes, to tell her my story
to feel the embrace of her tenderness
and soak her in

i've much to learn, much to embrace
and i want to simply be

nights i've spent next to her have left my soul eminating thanks to our Father
She's too much, too little and just right
When we're centered our hearts beat, harmonously, rhythmically with the Father's
Shared passion, shared desire
The times are trying, the devil antogonizing
I hone in on the the whisper after the storm

With reckless abandon I leap into His arms trusting His good and perfect will.

23 December 2005

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