
"The late night talks, the laughter, the gentle touches, the tears, the encouragement, and the thousands upon thousands of other communication acts all combine to create what you experience as life. our communication with others is not a little thing. it is life itself." -Randy Fujishin

Last night as I laid in bed I couldn't help but reflect a bit on relationships in my life and the communication that exists between them. I often forget that people probably percieve me differently then I percieve myself and that my true feelings toward them are lost in translation. Once in a while I'd like those around me to see themselves through my eyes, to see the love that starts in the depths and pours forth. I imagine Jesus has an even more intensified version of this and a piece of life is renewing our vision to see as Jesus sees. How do others think I see them, those I love and cherish, how do they think I see them and does it line up with how I really feel? A gap I try to bridge.

22 February 2006

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