
over the past day and a half I've had a lot of things run through my mind that i'd like to blog about.

i'll start off by sharing something a bit close to heart. i realize that i'm somewhat intense of a person, but sometimes i think i'm labeled as taking life too serious (which is true, very true at times). However if you hang around me a bit i hope you see that when i laugh, i laugh with my whole being, enjoying every ounce. that as i savor a meal the flavors pass through my whole body. sunsets put me in awe, and a cool breeze refreshes me to my toes. i enjoy life richly. the serious part comes in when i realize that God himself extends a love which i cannot comprehend and i'd like to leverage my life; offering it as a love offering back. to me that means i need to get to know my lover (God) so that i may give him what pleases him most. when you read the scriptures it seems they are full of this tension of enjoying today but also realizing there is redemptive work to be done and the days aren't to be "wasted".......ummmm i'm too tired....finish the thought later

i'll get to others later....reminders:
seek versus search
last night a group of us were talking about trying to follow Jesus.

02 March 2006

1 comment:

danny said...

I don't think I'd desribe you as "taking life too serious"...and I mean that in a good way. I tend to think of you as someone who is unwilling to settle for anything less...that while others are satisfied with life's blandness, you are pushing and prodding to find the fullness of life, to which you revel in whenever God leads you there. Adam, I think its amazing that those very moments in which you "enjoy life richly", you also find His spirit and His desires and heart becomes your own.