"The alternative to the secular-fundamentalist death spiral is something called spiritual humility and sincere religious doubt. Fundamentalism is not the only valid form of faith, and to say it is, is the great lie of our time" - yes. This is a quote from the article I mentioned previous and I believe these two sentences sum up a growing movement happening in our world.
While I agree that fundamentalism is not the only expression of faith and a very limited one at that, how much more then is spiritual humility and sincere religious doubt. Reading even that last sentence I wrote my mind spins from the implications. Perhaps it's the impressions it leaves on my soul, when I juxtapose sincere religious doubt against the sacred text of Jesus. I don't necessarily see the doubt in the whole story, it does appear in small segments however. Granted in the gospels the discpiples may have been confused about what was going on, constantly asking their Rabbi what his stories meant, quarreling amongst themselves and falling asleep at key moments. After the death and resurrection their didn't seem to be the same confusion and much less any doubt. Nor was their fundamentalism.
It seems there was a quiet confidence of sorts living within them (ala. the kingdom of God is within you), and the mission seemed to be somewhat clear. Somehow the rules had been set down and all they knew was to live life with God and creation, and love it wholly. Maybe that's why the religious doubt didn't exist, because they were not religious nor did they seek religious experience. This was life, and there is divine power to live in new ways, so believe/act. There is also no certainty, you move forward in love, and faith. The Tanack has stories of people doubting God and God having to prove himself. Faith rises and those people lead movements.
Perhaps in this moment in history the time is right for "spiritual humility and sincere religious doubt" that God may further our understanding of Himself and orchestrate more healing and redemption as a result. As we doubt, let us not sit idle however, may we take our doubts to the very one they are about and let him answer them directly. It's merely an act of courtesy and respect that we bring our doubts about someone to that person, may we do no less with God.
just typing out loud, i think they may be more to come.
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