intensity within

6, 386 miles my legs have spun in circles
335 hours my ass has sat on that seat
7 pairs of shoes the unforgiving asphalt and dirt has beat through
i have ravaged my body for 4,382 hours
in focused pursuit of an eternal soul that never seems to quit
i have not slept, not ate, not shat
to uncover that mystery that swims between muscle and bone
the breath that feeds my heart not my lungs
4 O'clock in the morning the alarm has invaded my sleep
and provoked me to rise
to eat 6 eggs and 3 pieces of toast that resembles bark
walking into the dawn air i slip on
a rubber suit and prepare to punish my body for 12 hours of intensity

there is depth, beauty and power found
outside your known limits
pain, abuse, sacrifice, and discipline are the pathway into mystery
humility the door to power

if you are willing it can be found
but it will cost you your life and friends
enemies will beat on your door
and backs will be turned in misunderstanding

come and follow the steps into
life, love, and integration
flow with the winds of love and desparation

17 May 2007

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