
epIC. It only begins to describe the snow and boarding that occurred today. First, let's dream up the best day possible. To start there would be ample amounts of good dry powder, followed by little to no people on the mountain and the roads closed so no more could get into the resort. That would be ideal, the only thing that would be better would be to have the resort to yourself and couple dear friends. But baring that those three things would be perfect - and that was today.

I was the 9th chair to the top of the mountain this morning that I shared with about 70 other people who happened to be here. Coming down the fresh snow was like gliding down a cloud. Amazing.

After lunch I went back out to find that the rest of the frontside had been opened. Very Nice. Going up that lift I unstrapped my board and walked down the ridge to some chutes that not everyone knows about and found more great snow.

As I hiked I looked around at all the snow covered mountains and it was breathtaking. Seeing snow on mountains creates a stillness inside for me. Everything looks so peaceful and calm.
What a wonderful gift.

06 January 2008

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks for that post.