
I'm in Seattle. I got here Tuesday. I leave here Sunday. Yesterday when I woke up I put on my blue and white Brooks, put my ears buds in and stepped out into the misting rain. Running is re-entering my life again and like a long lost friend it's good to get reacquainted. I welcomed the cool wet air. As I ran, I opened myself to get a sense of the Spirit here. The calm scenery invites you to enjoy life here, to get outside, to live in the physical manifestation of God. I feel like the invitation here is a subtle matter of embracing the warmth of God and carrying that warmth and light to the slightly subdued energy of this place. The sky and landscape call you to relax and enjoy, with some sense of a loss of intensity and knowing extent of light and dark. A middle ground with uncharted edges.

I look forward to exploring the city more.

28 February 2008

1 comment:

Raquel said...

go see Aurora.