no ramblings this time....just an update. i've been working at kwood since monday and will be here till this coming wed or thurs. this weekend will be a little break, it's the 13th or 14th year that my family and the Palmers have gotten together for a ski weekend. something i look forward to every year. traditions are special.
the big thing swirling around in my head right now is a trip to Sri Lanka. I don't know when exactly we're leaving, i don't know how much money we need to raise exactly, i don't' know how i'm going to pay my bills while i'm gone, i don't know how long i'll be gone. I know all those unknowns don't matter. I know God will provide. I'm definitely excited to see how this whole thing pans out. I can see how already it's going to change my perception of God, His kingdom and life.