i sometimes contemplate the meaning or purpose behind this blog - wondering if the sometimes more personal writings belong here. this is my voice to you - my cry out - i often hold things within until someone asks as i'm not interested in sharing unless you're interested in listening. that's what i feel this blog provides. a place where i can share and if you're interested you come to read.
the seemingly unrationality of it all doesn't take away from the tatteredness i feel within. in this snapshot i'm a deep soul looking for rest, for comfort, for interest from those around me. the journey wears on my soul, i carry my cross the best i know how often picking up extra baggage along the way. often i long for particular people to listen only to be left wanting. in this place i want to let out a barbaric cry, in this place it's the hope that propels me to the next day, in this place i sit longing for a touch. in this place i question my dreams, my hopes, my place.