semirevelational #2

i'm going to ramble a bit - i'll leave you to put it together cohesively.....
today i went snowboarding first thing - loved it - yesterday i found out that the guy who took my place at my former employer didn't work out and so there is an opportunity for me to fill in, which is quite God-cidental b/c the dry wall guys are getting ready to paint in the next 2 wks so won't be much work for me going on here.....BUT here's the interesting part as i think about leaving kwood for an extended period i don't really want to leave - the work definitely - the place not as much.....yet another clue that it's the work or the way i approach it that is the stumbing block for me. i love the snow........random thoughts.......
the other night a thought came to me that i've had in the past a couple times at least - ask to deliver a message on sunday morning at WG - as i think about the home here at kwood a thought occured to me, wouldn't it be sweetass to return from our honeymoon to run this place as a bed & breakfast during the winter (of course this is all predicated on the fact that i find someone willing to marry me) -

02 March 2005