we all have themes in our lives,
looking back what are some of yours?
do you like the themes that show up?
is it time to lay to rest some themes and birth new ones?
often i bite off more than i can seemingly chew
head spinning from one thing to the next
constantly moving into something new
the risk invites adventure
requires living life with an open hand
relying simply on the abounding love and great mystery of the creator
it pushes me into exhaustion, i push me into exhaustion
count the cost
where is the impact
is it worth it?
running through my mind
seams splitting
as scenes too happily forgotten
are surfacing
patterns of pain
acting out of wounded places
so deep
god's healing is renewing me
he is revealing my worth
in light of who he is,
who i am in him
"relying simply
on the abounding love
and great mystery
of the creator"...
embracing brokenness in wonder
crying out abba, father
you have saved me
you fight for me
you pursue me,
you delight in me
this overwhelms
and i see a theme rising
that was there all along...
my darling's pursuit-
my savior's fierce love.
he comes for me
in my deepest places
caverns of sorrow
that fill with light
as he breathes his life in me.
how tender the hands of god
how sweet and gentle his healing
i am impassioned in pursuit of him.
be encouraged, love.
God is with you.
Your intricate heart is the creation of a wonderful God.
All we can do is cry out to him and trust in his goodness.
You have a lot on your plate at the moment, but be in today. One at a time.
God will guide your steps, i know this with every 'enth of my being.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." (prov. 3:5)
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