
when the rain comes down it pours
it pours upon my head and i dream
i dream of unseen days that encompass
that encompass the emotions ruminating within my soul
my soul burns for days full of light, full of altered states
altered states of consciousness brought into reality by the filling of the Spirit
The Spirit which fills our sails and broadens our horizons
Our horizons that have been limited by the lies of the dark king
The dark king seeks to make us complacent, to lose today and life
Life the gift of HIM most High full of goodness and blessings
Blessings that radiant down into our lives into our souls
Our souls, how precious, how tender, they yearn
They yearn, I yearn, for understanding, for love, for a listening ear
A listening ear that defies weariness, welcomes endless conversation, opens doors that have been closed, looks into a weary soul and calls forth a great energy and creativity that will make the world shutter.

The consuming fire that exists within, I wrestle with how to channel it, how to keep from caging it, how to embrace, to live the buzz

the cliche's run rampant through this tormenting mind, the days are numbered, you only live once, take the risk, go for it, just do it, life is an adventure, don't loose today in tomorrow, it's the journey not the destination
kingdom come, HIS will be done runs through my mind, bleeds into my body and eminates from my soul --- O listening ear where have you gone, the encouragement for the weary traveler is a must, not to be lost in the mix, in the busyness of this world.

This world full of distractions sucks the life from us, pulls us, pushes us, into arenas our soul wasn't meant to entertain. We're called to live good lives, not safe lives, the call of the King invites into certain uncertainity from our perspective. From the King's perspective it's certain adventure with certain provision. Will we trust - will we embark?

The beat, continues, head bobbing, invigorating pulse, imagining tomorrow's reality. Offering ourselves as the ultimate sacrifice, broken heart, broken spirit, we should be so lucky to fall into the love of the great mystery, Our great Father.

21 January 2006

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