never ceasing

Mark, Nate and I will be at Church in a Divided World Learning Party tomorrow leading a workshop - should be some good fun.

Today sitting in Ritual I did a bit of free writing to take a break from some poetry I was working on. Here's an excerpt of what came out:

I wander and wonder about the life I have chosen. I question the momentum that is building - will it lead anywhere? Is there momentum? I once had dreams of being a premier product designer, consulting and creating the latest and greatest. Stretching my imagination and gifts to their percieved limit. Hours spent being a mad scientist are no longer on the forefront of my mind - my life has become, continues to become a sacrifice of what I once wanted, of what I will want. I move and make decisions based upon an unseen voice that lives within. A voice that propels me to love and to becoming the nebulous me. If I allow myself I could get lost in the "what if's" and "why didn't I" When my mind turns to thoughts of "what have I done?", "What am I doing". I can become fearful of the uncertainty ahead - then I remind myself I chose obscurity, I chose to live the nebulous life one filled with adventure and uncertainty. It could be kingdom come or it could be lunacy - perhaps both. One day at a time, one foot in front of the other - let's collaborate with the Creator an usher in His kingdom. What a great gift.

19 May 2006


Na said...

still reading st. theresa's self book? i have interior castle..but haven't finished it. this book u have seems interesting.

adam said...

I haven't read much out of the book - not because it wasn't good or insightful but because I haven't been doing that much reading lately. I have been on a somewhat intentional break from reading.

Interior castle - hhmm, sounds intriguing - good stuff?

Na said...

i started it a few years ago, but put it down. now i pick it up occasionally when im inspired to read..but it still hasn't happened. and i forget what i read in the past. but it goes over the 7 dwellings of your inner spirit i believe.

amazon would probably explain it better.

rachell recommended tuesdays with morrie, which i started last night and didnt wanna put down! it's so great. funny thing is, i picked that book out of our bookshelf the other week ago, didnt know what it was about.. and then rachell recommended it. so its' totally a read for me.