
Knowledge is power, if you know it about the right person.
- Ethel Mumford

How true, especially when applied personally. Lately I've wondering about contributions, legacy and calling particularly related to myself. I know at least two things about myself and would like to translate these traits into a tangible mark on the world for sake of goodness and love. I often write in my journal that I wish to be a looking glass into the heart of God as others have been in my life. This could be one way of phrasing my orientation toward life. If, through the way I live I am able to point people to a greater reality (God/Love) then I will have met a personal goal. In my mind this allows for the freedom to be passionate not perfect, human not divine, intentional not regimented, and me not someone else. Could it be that the greatest gift we have to offer the world is ourselves, unabashed and unashamed? I don't mean to suggest that we resign to complacency and mediocrity. Rather that our quest is to uncover our true nature that is hidden in the recesses of the very soul that God whispered into existence and which the Creator holds together. I am not perfect, nor in fact will I strive to be perfect. My primary quest is to be good, to be love, and to be me. I will offer this world, my friends, my family, and my God the only thing that I am able to fully give - me. If it's not enough, I will not apologize because it's all I've got. I can offer unrelenting passion or energy and a ever running mind full of ideas. These may not encompass the entirety of who I am, but as I've been thinking about what I have to offer these two traits definitely bubble to the surface. Some of what I've been thinking lately, or more like my whole life.

11 April 2007

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