Tonight in high school group we talked about matt 4:18-22 where Jesus calls the first disciples. An interesting side note about this, is that most Rabbi's were approached by people wanting to be their disciples; whereas, Jesus goes out and calls people to follow him. Jesus was interested in people following him, specifically those who might not have been interested in being a disciple of another Rabbi for whatever reason - felt inadequate, had a lucrative fishing business, etc, Jesus sought them out because he knew he had something to offer.
The question I posed was:
Jesus invites us to come after him, to follow him. Why? Why would you follow the carpenter from Nazereth?
After looking at blank stares for about 30 seconds I then asked what we dream about and we went around the room sharing a life dream of ours; professional athlete, professional musician, traveling trubador, famous actor, etc.
Here's what I wonder/think - our dreams are more than what we merely want to do in life (ie. professional athlete, professional musician, traveling trubador, famous actor etc.) wrapped inside of that is an emotion or state being that we imagine will be achieved in either the journey to that destination or the destination itself.
I think maybe Jesus was saying - I know you have dreams for your life, but Repent (which transliterated means - Reimagine) your life. Come after me and those things which you seek, that state of being you long for, will be found and found in full. It very well could be in that role you thought it was, but first seek the kingdom, and then it will be added. The beautiful part is in seeking Him primarily it flushes out uniquely for all of us.
The "suburban narrative" has been getting a lot of abuse by some of us, definitely me included, who are disillsioned by the whole thing but I have some close friends, the Palmers, who live in suburbia and you'd be hard pressed to convince me that their life doesn't speak of the kingdom and love. In seeking the kingdom that's where it took them and it's beautiful.
The night ended with me encouraging us all to really wrestle with "Why follow the carpenter?" We're all searching for something; ourselves, money, fame, alternative lifestyles, community, love, acceptance, etc.
Enter Jesus -
Follow me, I am the way, search for me and I will bring you to what you've been looking for all along - The Father.
(john 14:6,9, mark 1:15, matt 4:18-22)
Why follow?
then there's ecclesiastes......just some ponderings thats all........thinking out loud....
This reminds me of what Kirk Franklin says on the back of his CD:"As the world searches for an antidote to the pains and fears of society, the solution is not found in world peace, celebrities, or religion...but in a poor jewish carpenter with a strange name....JESUS, the hero."
I think we all begin our journeys differently b/c each of seeks different things. However, I think we ultimately follow when we see that life truly isn't so outside of Christ.
Here are the words to Rich Mullin's song "My One Thing". Just think where we would all be spiritually if we made this our daily prayer!!
Everybody I know says they need just one thing
And what they really mean is that they need just one thing more
And everybody seems to think they've got it coming
Well I know that I don't deserve You
Still I want to love and serve You more and more
You're my one thing
Save me from those things that might distract me
Please take them away and purify my heart
I don't want to lose the eternal for the things that are passing
'Cause what will I have when the world is gone
If it isn't for the love that goes on and on with
My one thing
You're my one thing
And the pure in heart shall see God
You're my one thing
You're my one thing
And the pure in heart shall see God
Who have I in Heaven but You Jesus?
And what better could I hope to find down here on earth?
I could cross the most distant reaches
Of this world, but I'd just be wasting my time
'Cause I'm certain already, I'm sure I'd find
You're my one thing (one thing)
You're my one thing (one thing)
And the pure in heart shall see God
You're my one thing (one thing)
You're my one thing (one thing)
And the pure in heart shall see God
Every night and every day
You hold on tight
Or you drift away
And you're left to live
With the choices you make
Oh Lord please give me the strength
To watch and work and love and sing and pray
'Cause who have I in Heaven but You Jesus?
And what better could I hope to find down here on earth?
Well I could cross the most distant reaches
Of this world, but I'd just be wasting my time
'Cause I'm certain already I'm sure I'd find
You're my one thing (one thing)
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